No Hide and Seek

From today’s reading…

When they heard the sound of the LORD God moving about in the garden

at the breezy time of the day,

the man and his wife hid themselves from the LORD God

among the trees of the garden.”

My seventh child is a rambunctious 4-year old who loves playing hide-and-seek. While she has gotten better—with the help of her six siblings—she’s not all that good on her own.

She makes a lot of noise as she runs around and climbs behind a chair. She moves when she’s under a blanket. And when she finds a good place she’ll go back to that spot repeatedly not fully comprehending the necessity of finding unique places each time.

Now imagine if I had cameras all over the house along with motion detectors, infrared and night vision goggles, RFID and GPS chips inserted into her clothing, and I could read her mind.

I’d then be almost as good as God is at finding us hiding among the trees in the garden…or at a bar…or buried in our own heads at work…or at the gym…or locked in our room binge eating/drinking/video-game-playing/watching porn/streaming Netflix/shopping.

God knows you.

God knows where you are.

God knows what you’re thinking.

God knows your every fear, goal, and aspiration.

When you come out from behind the trees and stop hiding from God you’ll find it’s much easier to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.