Not Stirred Nor Shaken

From today’s reading…

Whoever lives blamelessly, who acts uprightly, who speaks the truth from the heart, who keeps the tongue under control, who does not wrong a comrade, who casts no discredit on a neighbour, who looks with scorn on the vile, but honours those who fear Yahweh, who stands by an oath at any cost, who asks no interest on loans, who takes no bribe to harm the innocent. No one who so acts can ever be shaken.” Psalm 15:2-5

How many politicians and those enmeshed in the military-industrial complex have taken bribes to harm innocent people in August alone?

It is time to speak THE TRUTH from the heart, not YOUR truth.

Alexander Solzhenitsyn nearly single-handedly brought down the USSR by speaking THE TRUTH.

Unfortunately, he had to endure great trials and tribulations to see and understand what THE TRUTH is.

All you must do is pay attention, think, ask good questions, and listen.

The weak cannot do this.

The weak say they believe in science, without understanding that actual scientists want you to hit their assumptions with your best shot.

The weak lash out against anyone who questions them.

The weak wear masks and hoodies to hide their identities as they intimidate anyone who does not march to the beat of their drums.

The weak discredit and cancel everyone who is not overtly and energetically with them.

The weak welcome the vile if it will further their cause.

The weak will keep you forever in their debt to have more leverage with which to control you.

That is why the weak are so easily shaken.

You know the weak are shaken by the level and intensity of their wailing and grinding of teeth.

They know they have no defense, which is why they are always on the offensive, lashing out and attempting to extinguish the smallest of lights that will reveal to the world how wrong they are.

The weak are threatened by the strong.

So remain strong.

Remain strong by following today’s instructions from Psalms, which is the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.