Not Three, Not Two, But One

From today’s reading…

There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free person, there is not male and female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”

If you watch the news we are all different and are supposed to hate anyone who disagrees with us so much so that kicking them, hitting them with pipes, tormenting them in public, and vandalizing their offices is not only acceptable, it’s required in order to prove you’re a member in good standing in your tribe.

Now you may only talk of civility and peace when your side has “won.” (Who wins in war?)

So much for open-minded and tolerant.

So much for “when they go low, we go high.”

So much for “NoH8.”

As the father of seven children I can tell you I do not see a trombone or football or soccer or volleyball player. I do not see an artist or photographer or videographer. I do not see a baker (but I do see and smell and “sample” what they bake) or an entrepreneur.

I only see my children whom I love and for whom I want the best even though we don’t vote the same or have the same hobbies or like the same music.

As humans we strive to belong, to be loved, to know that we are not alone.

So embrace your family. Know that you belong. Remember that you are loved, because it’s the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.