Obey Your Leaders

From today’s reading…

Obey your leaders and defer to them,

for they keep watch over you and will have to give an account,…”

Humans are curious creatures.

We want to exercise our free will and we bristle at being told what to do, but in any emergency 99 out of 100 will stand frozen and watch in utter shock, horror, and amazement until they are told what to do by the one true leader.

This was taught to me around 1990-1995 when I went through CPR training multiple times both at USAFA and on active duty in the Air Force.

What they told us to do was point at each individual standing around and give them clear, firm instructions such as:

YOU, call 911!

YOU, come here and hold his head!

YOU, find some towels or sheets or shirts for bandages!

YOU, go get some water!”

If I just scream “SOMEBODY DO SOMETHING!” or “SOMEBODY HELP!” chances are good that everybody will feel like a nobody so they think somebody is someone else, which gives them the excuse to do nothing.

Jesus knew this about us because He was—and remains—one of us. Heck, before we were formed in the womb God knew us and dedicated us, so He knows our strengths and our weaknesses, our tendencies and our inclinations, our fears and our insecurities.

This is why He chose the 12. Why He renamed Simon “Rock,” to lead the 12. Why the process to replace one who was no longer with them was written in Psalms and fulfilled in Acts 1.

We are lost sheep who need guidance, direction, instruction, and discipline, because that is the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.