Observe His Instructions & Be Blessed

From today’s reading…

Blessed are those who observe his instructions, who seek him with all their hearts, You lay down your precepts to be carefully kept.”

Psalm 119:2, 4

We’re a funny lot, we humans.

We buy books and don’t read them.

We buy programs and don’t complete them.

We hire fitness/business/marriage coaches and argue with them.

We buy a gym membership to get in shape…but don’t go the gym…but continue paying.

We pay thousands to attend a conference to learn…then eat and drink ourselves into oblivion…sleep through all the sessions…then complain about paying someone to do the work you paid to learn but were too hungover to attend.

We say we love the Lord, but we pick and choose which of His precepts to follow as though we’re at a cafeteria and trying to decide what we’re in the mood for.

Sorry, Charlie, it doesn’t work that way.

Following God is like following your drill instructor in basic training.

It’s His way or the highway.

You get the whole enchilada, regardless of how you feel.

So pull your chair up and dig in because God’s precepts are delivered as a buffet, and taking it all in is the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.