Observe Them Carefully

From today’s reading…

Observe them carefully,

for thus will you give evidence

of your wisdom and intelligence to the nations,…”

“Them? What is ‘them?'”

I’m glad you asked.

In Deuteronomy today we see Moses speaking to the Israelites 

…hear the statutes and decrees

which I am teaching you to observe,

that you may live, and may enter in and take possession of the land

which the LORD, the God of your fathers, is giving you.”

Before Google and YouTube and online groups people actually met in person and shared tips and tricks on how to start a fire, find water, navigate, and save their souls.

That’s what Moses is doing today.

He’s telling the Israelites how to save their souls.

“But Wes, that’s too many rules. We don’t have to follow all of those statutes and decrees. We can cut some corners and still get to heaven.”

Oh yeah? For your sake I hope you’re right, but let me ask you something. If you earn 20 merit badges can you still be called an Eagle Scout?

To become an Eagle Scout, the applicant “must amass 21 or more merit badges, create and complete an Eagle project, write essays, request recommendations, compile an application binder and undergo an Eagle board of review.” (VerywellFamily.com)

If you earn 20 merit badges you’re a great Boy Scout, but you’re not an Eagle Scout.

So if your goal was to become a great Boy Scout, you succeeded, but if your goal was to become an Eagle Scout, you failed.  

Moses relayed God’s instructions on how to save your soul and in Matthew today we see Jesus remind us that he did not come “to abolish but to fulfill” the law.

With the instructions and examples provided for us we now know exactly what we must do to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.