Oppressed or Blessed?

From today’s reading…

Yet the more they were oppressed,

the more they multiplied and spread.”

Today’s reading is the ultimate example of “what have you done for me lately?”

The new King of the Egyptians did not know his history, so he repeated it. He did not know how the Israelites came to live in Egypt via Joseph’s wisdom, which saved all of Egypt during the time of famine.

All the new Pharaoh saw was a threat so he abused them, subjected them to slavery, and eventually ordered all newborn male Hebrews slaughtered.

Thus his actions—made out of fear—led to what he feared.

Strong people with a mission, a purpose, a calling, a vision do not back down when faced with challenges. They rise up to meet them. (And tomorrow we’ll see the Pharaoh’s own daughter inadvertently brought about his downfall.)

You and I needn’t worry or complain about the tough times we face. They exist for a reason. All we have to do is… 

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.