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Optimize Your Marketing Automation With Keap CRM and PlusThis


Here’s an Unscripted Demo of PlusThis for Keap

This week the cool peeps at PlusThis were gracious enough to sit down with me for nearly an hour to dive into PlusThis and answer the questions I had about using their platform.

Some of the questions that came up included:

  • What type of marketing do you want to do this year?

    • Evergreen marketing?

    • Facebook marketing?

  • If Infusionsoft is “all-in-one” software, why do I need PlusThis? 

    • No software is truly “all-in-one.” PlusThis can work around the periphery and focus on super-charging your Infusionsoft application.

    • With over 30 features included in PlusThis, and with PlusThis 2.0 coming out soon, it really is a valuable software suite for most users of Infusionsoft.

The first feature I started using for my Whisper Webinar series is their GoToWebinar Connection. 

Their Feature Library includes:

  • Format First Name and Format Last Name

    • Ever wonder why prospects enter their name into your web forms as either all lowercase, i.e. penelope, or all upper case, i.e. PENELOPE?

    • This may not seem like a big deal until you use a mail merge or SMS blast or direct mail push and it says “Hi penelope” or “Hi PENELOPE,” instead of just “Hi Penelope.”

    • These simple name-formatting errors can crush your inbound marketing efforts because you didn’t think through how to correct this common error in lead capture.

    • The Format Fist Name and Formate Last Name features do what they say. It checks for the capitalization of names in the first and last name boxes and corrects the capitalization as needed inside your Keap, Ontraport, or HubSpot account so your communication style is not “rude” or “LOUD,” which could make the difference between a sale or no sale.

  • GoToWebinar Connection

  • Smart Links

  • Easy Check-In

  • SMS Sequences

  • Facebook Audience Triggers

  • Facebook Lead Triggers

  • Page Triggers

  • Email Triggers

  • Video Triggers

  • Send SMS Message

  • Split Test Pages

  • Timeframe Triggers

  • Split Test Emails

  • Math

  • Countdown Timer

  • Format Text Fields

  • Calculate Customer Value

  • File Box Uploader

  • Humanize Keap Dates

  • Set Field

  • Calculate Time Between Events

  • What’s the Date?

  • Split Name

    • I’ve used this from day one. Prospects often enter their entire name in the “first name” box on your web forms, which doesn’t seem like a big deal until you use a mail merge or SMS blast or direct mail push and it says “Hi Jane Smith,” instead of just “Hi Jane.”

    • The Split name feature does what it says. It checks for the presence of two names in the first name box and moves the last name into the last name field inside your Infusionsoft, Ontraport, or HubSpot account.

  • Set Owner

  • Easy Opt-Out

  • Tag Associated Records

  • Display an Evergreen Date

  • Combine Fields

  • Cycler

  • Gimme and Update Link

  • Make a Note

  • Run an Action Set

  • Video Triggers YouTube Playlists

What’s Covered In This PlusThis Demo

Bryce went into detail in the following features:

  • Video Triggers. This lets you set Tags, which lets you set appropriate follow up sequences, for contacts that watch—or don’t watch—your videos

  • Smart Links for Marketing Launches

    • Big event

    • Build a list

    • Offer

    • Close the cart

    • Time period between the next launch

    • What if you don’t have a huge list and/or you don’t make a lot of sales? Special offer link URL if they have the right Tag. Send them to “offer expired” page if they don’t have the Tag, i.e. the Tag is removed after your set time.

  • What’s the Date? 

    • Store a unique personalized date for your contacts to reference later.

    • Great for creating timed offers, setting a date for a free trial or automated webinars.

    • Does the math, pre-populates the custom field, adds a human formatted date for the email.

  • SMS Sequences

    • Uses Twilio and makes it do what you need Infusionsoft to do.

    • You own your own SMS number so you’re not affected by SMS spammers and it’s a big savings.

  • Facebook Audience Triggers

    • Let’s say you’re running an ad for a Webinar. Once they register we don’t want them to see the ad. With the Infusionsoft to PlusThis to Facebook API the contact list is updated automatically.

  • Facebook Lead Triggers

  • Countdown Timer: Instead of being based off a set date, this is relative to the date the visitor hits the page. Works on any HTML page.

  • Math

    • Great for Loyalty Programs.

    • Reward a Contact that has done something X-number of times such as watching a certain number of videos or buying X-number of products.

    • Average Spend or Total Spend or Weight Loss (custom field for a fitness trainer).

    • Great for shipping calculations. Setup a Decision Diamond that looks for a total of more than 10 pounds and send them a bonus goodie.

  • Video Triggers

    • Tag someone after they’ve watched a certain amount of a video. YouTube, Wistia, and Vimeo.

    • Get the embed code from YouTube, for example, and paste it inside PlusThis and set your criteria for Tagging. PlusThis will generate a new embed code for your site.

    • Works inside membership sites such as CustomerHub, iMember360, Memberium, My Website.

    • Frank Kern uses these for long videos. He is good about rewarding people who watch the entire thing.

  • Split Test Emails

  • Calculate Customer Value

  • File Box Uploader: Great for

    • Recruiters to have 

  • Cycler: Deliver multiple opt-ins in a logical automated manner without overloading your prospects with multiple marketing sequences at once. 

Automate. Integrate. Dominate.

Around 2012 Infusionsoft retained me to write some copy for them on two of their email sequences and that’s when I coined that slogan “Automate. Integrate. Dominate.”

That is the key to success in any business. 

And while I built a thriving business that has provided for my family of nine by just using Infusionsoft “right out of the box,” I have realized that no software is 100%, totally “all-in-one.” 

So look at what you are doing repetitively, repeatedly, and mundanely and figure out how to automate it.

And if you’re not sure what can be automated, reach out to folks at companies like PlusThis and ask! 

Since I do a lot of webinars with GoToWebinar, the time savings, insight, and targeted follow-up power PlusThis gives me makes the software worth it on that one feature alone…and they have 29 other features!

So instead of saying “this is another expense…is is worth it?” ask yourself “If I was able to get one extra person to attend my webinar…or my workshop…or call in on time for our meeting…or come back and finish watching my demo video and set an appointment because of it…or create a sense of urgency and get one extra person to buy each week or even each month…would PlusThis be worth it?

Market like you mean it.Now go sell something.