Our Clay Pots Are Sufficient

From today’s reading…

We hold this treasure in earthen vessels,

that the surpassing power may be of God and not from us.”

When Church scandals break out, the oh-so-enlightened spiritual-but-not-religious crowd use those occasions to pontificate

“See! THAT’S why I don’t follow any religion. It’s full of corrupt, weak, power-hungry, sinful, fallible people who are no better than your or me.”

They forget the story of Peter denying Jesus three times yet still being given the keys to heaven and earth and instructed three times by the risen Jesus to feed and tend His flock.

Today we have Paul reminding the Corinthians that we are simple, fragile, perishable containers meant to carry the treasure of the Good News for as long as we can, which is still only a short time.

The omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscient God, in His infinite wisdom, chose our fragile selves to convey his everlasting message. The message of eternal love. An unbreakable covenant. 

Knowing we have this treasure in abundance waiting for us should be enough to help us…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.