Out With The Old Malice

From today’s reading…

For our Paschal Lamb, Christ, has been sacrificed.

Therefore, let us celebrate the feast,

not with the old yeast, the yeast of malice and wickedness,

but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth.”

1 Corinthians 5:7-8

You know the story of the blind men who all touch a different part of the elephant and are asked to describe it. They are all correct, insofar as they have discovered via their limited experience, but they are incomplete.

If you don’t have the complete picture, how accurate is your assessment? Sure, you can be sincere in your proselytizing, boycotting, and protesting, but are your actions bringing people towards or pushing them away from the truth?

“But Wes, I’m speaking my truth.”

Save it. That’s like me writing $100 on a napkin and saying “I’m paying you with my truth” for your goods or services.

You’d tell me to go pound sand, and rightly so.

The devil is a sneaky SOB. He is patient. He is manipulative. He nudges you towards “his truth” like a glacier, slowly chipping away at your logic and morals, until you’re finally comfortable doing his bidding, and even justifying and defending your actions. Don’t believe me?

Look at your posts since COVID started. Look at how you interact with those who support the opposite political party. Ask yourself when was the last time you told someone off in person as you do online. Ask yourself why you no longer have any hobbies. Ask yourself why you no longer read anything that takes longer than 30 seconds to skim and why you only read those with whom you already agree.

Ask yourself if I gave you a seesaw and had you stack your sincere and truthful words and deeds on one side and your wicked and malicious words and deeds on the other for an entire week, which side would be pinned to the ground so hard that elephant the blind men were feeling couldn’t lift it up?

Act like you’re been invited to celebrate in the feast, which is the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.