Overcoming Limiting Beliefs To Make Every Sale: 3 of 10

Stuart Smalley is famous for his daily affirmations including 

“I’m good enough. I’m smart enough. And doggone it, people like me.”

The truth is we all enjoy being liked, or at least not hated, despised and ridiculed. It goes all the way back to the fear of being the last to be chosen for the kickball team during recess in elementary school or the fear of not being invited to the Chuck E. Cheese birthday party that EVERYONE is going to.

It’s crazy—but true—that the events of our lives going back to when we still wore superhero pajamas impact how we go about the profession of sales today.

It’s why you don’t pick up the phone or approach key decision makers at your Divine 99 target companies. You’ve convinced yourself of… 

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LIMITING BELIEF #3: Big Wigs don’t like salespeople.

REALITY: According to a 2009 study by Steven Kaplan, Mark Klebanov and Morten Sorenson entitled “Which C.E.O. Characteristics and Abilities Matter?“, CEOs like

  • attention-to-detail,

  • persistence,

  • efficiency,

  • analytic thoroughness and

  • the ability to work long hours.

So by doing your homework on a Big Wig, calling early in the morning, late in the evening and/or tracking them down on weekends at trade shows and conferences is endearing to them!!

Would you like to see how to overcome the other 9 limiting beliefs now and get started on a 30 day guided plan to sales growth? Check out the Make Every Sale program here.

It has been totally re-designed with new modules, quizzes, updated videos to guide you through the program and more. 

Order now and you’ll also receive immediate access to our private online group where you can ask any question of any of us at any time to grow your sales. 

See you on the inside.

Good Selling,