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Pamela Slim (Escape Cubicle Nation & Embrace Your Entrepreneurial Spirit)

Pamela Slim is the author of two books on entrepreneurial spirit:

Writing a book is a great way to create a cohesive narrative to get your message out there.

Since there are so many people putting out content, being “vetted” by an established publisher helps you with social proof.

Pamela Slim has been in business for 17 years. The first 10 she was consulting with larger corporations on the human aspect side of things. While there she noticed that there were many people that wanted to leave but were afraid to do so.

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She started her blog 8 years ago to help her as a business-development tool.

Guy Kawasaki gave her a shot on his blog. She sent Guy an email about one of her blog posts. She was a fan of his and had never met him and within 10 minutes he replied and asked her to turn her 4 points into 10 points and she finished it at 2 am and he posted it the next morning. She went from 100 followers to 20,000 overnight.

Too many people feel that are not worthy but we are all equal. Approach people as a “less-experienced equal.”

It’s all about who knows you and they know you because of the great work you are doing, according to Guy Kawasaki.

“I live for the emails” where people tell me they read my stuff and my tips helped them.

“We all suck when we start.” We all move through the Consciously Competent model.

Get your content in front of those people it’s for.

Build the app, write the blog, start the podcast, make the YouTube video, choose the tool that is most frequently used by your audiences.

Your website is your hub.

“Body of Work” – work is inherently unstable now. This is our new normal. Career paths are unstable. The one thing we can control is the body of work we create: podcasts, code, products.

Things are not all black and white. Corporate America is not all bad. Being an entrepreneur is not all good.

The goal is to be flexible.

Escape From Cubicle Nation is Pamela Slim’s site for her first book and Pamela Slim is where she is rebranding herself and expanding her offerings since “escaping” is not the best message for corporate clients to bring her in.

We need to develop our story-telling skills: what we tell ourself and what we tell our audience.

Start your brand small.

The first 6-12 months in business “everything is a hypothesis.” You must experiment and figure out what you do well and what is unique.

You must be able to answer: what do you do and who do you do it for!

The One Page Business Planfun book. Graphical display. It can help you boil down what it is you do.

Tim Berry – Palo Alto Software—LivePlan—in the cloud tool for financials, education, your mission statement, etc.

Not planning “almost never has a good outcome.”

Create your life plan first and your business plan will come from that. Without that you’ll end up chasing the wrong plan.

Don’t look over your shoulder and think you want what others have if it’s not you.

The High Council of Jedi Knights: must be good producers and good people.

Under-charging? It’s more prevalent with women than men but most entrepreneurs do under-charge. You need to get clear on the value you provide.

Skip Miller helped her with her approach on pricing. He charged clients $30,000 for an hour of help because if just two salespeople with $300,000 quotas got 10% better they had a 100% ROI.

Take some time out and step back and evaluate your priorities and efficiencies. 

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