Paul’s Boots Were Made For Walking

From today’s reading…

On the sabbath they entered into the synagogue and took their seats.

After the reading of the law and the prophets,

the synagogue officials sent word to them,

‘My brothers, if one of you has a word of exhortation

for the people, please speak.’”

Paul and his companions were up in the western central part of what is now Turkey. It’s a one-month journey by foot today if you can catch the ferry at Tripoli, Lebanon to Tasucu, Turkey.

So Paul was a go-getter.

He wasn’t just shaking his head at some mean Instagram stories and going back to the pub to vent with his mates.

He went to the centers of influence as far away as his feet could take him to spread the Good News. 

Paul reminded them of their history and what they knew to be true. In today’s parlance, he met them where they were. He anchored the story he was telling to their past so he had a solid foundation on which to build up to the information he had to share.

Because Paul knew how to tell a story with passion and confidence he was effective.

And because he was effective he was killed.

Take comfort in upsetting the wrong people for the right reasons. Their hatred and attacks will reinforce your efforts to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.