Peace Be With You

From today’s reading…

“While they were still speaking about this, he stood in their midst and said to them, ‘Peace be with you.’” Luke 24:36

Isn’t it…interesting…ironic…sad…that in the middle of this pandemic and the turmoil our governments and the media have thrust upon us that some families actually have more peace?

Mom and dad are not leaving before dark, dropping kids off at daycare or school to be indoctrinated by government institutions with anti-religious, anti-family, and even anti-American values, then rushing home after dark to scarf down some fast-food before rushing off to soccer/football/basketball/volleyball/dance/cross country/music/French lessons followed by community service work for their graduation credits followed by hours of homework and staring at their phones in isolation.

Instead, now that mom and dad have figured out Zoom—including how to mute themselves and not show up half-dressed or in the bathroom—they are home because they don’t have to commute.

Sure, the kids sleep in so there may not be family breakfasts but there are family walks at night after family lunches and dinners and games and cards.

There is more giggling.

Parents are falling back in love with their kids. (One friend, a teacher, said after the first week of chaos that she actually likes teaching her kids. Go figure!)

Families are realizing that as long as they have their health, they really do have everything.

Families are realizing the importance of faith and church and community and Jesus now that our benevolent, kind, loving, all-knowing, all-seeing government Caesars have told us our safety (as determined by them) is greater than our Bill of Rights.

Families are realizing that maybe they can get by on one income—with some big adjustments—but adjustments they can make happen—and may be forced to make happen sooner rather than later.

We’re all realizing how important it is to get outside and move and breath and see and live.

We’re all realizing how important our elderly and sick are to us because of their humanity. Because they are created in the image and likeness of God.

We’re all realizing that we did not have peace trying to keep up with the Joneses.

We’re all realizing that we did not have peace sleeping in and skipping church on Sunday.

We’re all realizing that we did not have peace spending 90 minutes or two or three hours in our cars every day.

We’re all realizing that while dressing up is nice from time to time, we did not have peace always worrying about how we dressed, how our hair looked, if we had makeup on, or were sporting the latest thing, be it a pair of shoes, a gaudy watch, a hat, a jersey, or a purse.

Maybe this 40-day reset in the middle of the 40 days of Lent is not a coincidence.

Maybe it’s God’s way of helping us rediscover Him, because finding and following Him is the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.