Perhaps They Will Listen and Repent

From today’s reading…

‘“Perhaps they will listen and each turn from his evil way: if so, I shall relent and not bring the disaster on them which I intend because of their misdeeds.”’” Jeremiah 26:3

The Old Testament is a dual-track love story of a father chasing after his wayward children, trying to get them to straighten up and come home as well as that of a groom chasing his straying wife, trying to get her to realize he is her one true love.

Over and over, generation after generation, millennia after millennia, God calls after us, but He does not force us to eat our vegetables, drink lots of water, and get a good night’s sleep.

He lets us make our beds and sleep in them.

Wherever you find yourself today, remember that all God wants is for you to turn from your evil ways and come back home.

He has left the light on for you because He knows that’s the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.