Perverse Counsel Persists & Proliferates

From today’s reading…

For perverse counsels separate a man from God,

and his power, put to the proof, rebukes the foolhardy;

Because into a soul that plots evil, wisdom enters not,

nor dwells she in a body under debt of sin.”

Our perverse politicians have removed prayer from school and the 10 Commandments from our courthouse steps.

Our perverse politicians have removed ultrasounds from abortion clinics and separated life from babies in the womb.

Our perverse politicians have told us there are 7 or 37 or 73 genders.

Our perverse politicians have told us that gender is a social construct.

Our perverse politicians have told us to let boys compete as girls and hurt them all.

Our perverse politicians have told us that men dressing as women and shaking their butts as they read to children in our publicly-funded libraries is somehow a good thing.

Our perverse politicians have told us they know best how to spend our money so they tax us so much it takes two incomes to almost make ends meet.

Our perverse politicians have told us that a woman cannot reach her full potential unless she kills her children in the womb or outsources their care to the government within weeks of their birth.

Our perverse politicians have told us men are pigs and only rise to leadership roles through brute force, power, and manipulation.

Our perverse politicians have told us that thinking and creativity and artistic expression and high IQs are not to be tolerated so we drug our kids into numbness in order to have them comply with our outdated, bloated, dumbed-down school system.

Our perverse politicians have told us our Founding Fathers were just old, racist, white men who had no vision for the future so we should trash the Constitution and let our current crop of carpetbagging freeloaders pass laws in secret committees and gerrymander their districts to ensure they are never held accountable for their evil plots.

Our perverse celebrities have told us sex sells, aging is worse than death, and that there’s no such thing as bad press, so bring on the wardrobe “mishaps” and the sex tape “hacks.” Just remain in the news because obscurity must be avoided at all costs.

 Our perverse athletes have told us that winning is all that matters so take the steroids, the growth hormones, the blood doping, and steal the plays of your opponent. Just win.

Realizing there is no wisdom in our government officials who are no longer public servants, but rather public sycophants;

Realizing there is no wisdom in Hollywood, but rather soulless, brainless glory hounds;

Realizing there is no wisdom in sports, but rather unconfident parents living vicariously through their children who push them endlessly towards a false, fleeting altar that can only be attained by the smartest, most well-funded cheaters;

Realizing the only wise counsel is found on your knees as you open yourself up to God, is the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.