Pipedrive CRM on The CRM Sushi Podcast


Stream below or right click here to download the episode. 

What You’ll Learn In This Episode of The CRM Sushi Podcast

  • Have a CRM that your salespeople want to use and are not nagged to use and update that actually helps them sell

  • First CRM made by salespeople for salespeople

  • Customizable pipeline stages

  • Integrates with e-commerce

  • Integrates with quoting tools

  • Can be used as a project management tool

  • Can create multiple pipelines by vertical or industry

  • Integrate email with Gmail, Outlook, POP, IMAP

    • Build templates and email sequences

    • Track opens and clicks

    • Scheduling

  • Progress

    • Dashboard

    • Reports

    • Goals

  • Import contacts via CSV

  • Great on-boarding

  • No fee if you need help and you meet certain requirements

  • 10 years in business with no big prices increases

  • Not an email marketing tool, per se, but it does integrate with ESPs

  • Use an integration for round robin lead assignment

  • Great mobile app

  • Chat and phone support

Watch Previous Episodes of The CRM Sushi Podcast

Links Mentioned In The CRM Sushi Podcast

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