Posting in the way of progress (cont’d)

Yesterday I talked about posting on sites such as LinkedIn Groups, Facebook Groups, Quora, etc. to get more people reading your content and drawing them back to your site.

Today let’s look at a little more active way of achieving the same thing, which is getting your ask in gear.

Since the summer of 2013 I’ve hosted The Sales Podcast and now have over 204 episodes published and while the number of downloads are not historic, what it gives me is private, one-on-one access to experts in sales, marketing, entrepreneurship, persuasion, copywriting, resiliency, and more.

One such individual is also an Infusionsoft client of mine named Bryan Harris.

Bryan is a successful entrepreneur who has exploded his website visitors, his contact list, and his income and he shared many of the secrets to his success in my interview with him this past Monday and it will go live on August 21st.

But because you’re a subscriber to this illustrious list I’ll share with you one of his secrets weeks early. (Membership has its rewards, doesn’t it?)

Here are my notes from that interview on this topic:

“If you’re under 100 subscribers and are worried and frustrated stop worrying about selling something and focus on getting 1,000 subscribers in 90 days.

Stop messing with Instagram and Pinterest and…and…and…Just focus on getting to 1,000 and do more of that.

Write down a goal NOW!

Look at what you have: subscribers on your blog, Twitter followers, etc. as well as the network of people you know!!

Write down the names of 3 people you know and invite them to your list.

Stop doing fancy forms of procrastination. Reach out like this:

“I’m starting a weekly newsletter where I share (how to cook cool stuff), would you like to subscribe? Yes? What’s your best email?” If they say “Hmmm, let me think about it” reply with “Ok. What’s your best email?”

Get to 100 subscribers fast.

Host a giveaway.

Ask them to forward your emails.

Ask them for references.

This will get you to 50-200 new subscribers fast, then you’ll build momentum and motivation and creativity to continue the growth.”

I always say that people don’t do business with you for one of two reasons: either they haven’t heard of you…or they have. 

Building your subscriber list will help solve #1. 

If you’d like more insight like this in more detail and sooner, join us here…

Have a good weekend and enjoy the PGA Championship.

Market like you mean it.Now go sell something.