Pot, Porn, Playoffs, and Politicians

From today’s reading…

Do you not realise that people who do evil will never inherit the kingdom of God? Make no mistake — the sexually immoral, idolaters, adulterers, the self-indulgent, sodomites, thieves, misers, drunkards, slanderers and swindlers, none of these will inherit the kingdom of God.” 1 Corinthians 6:9-10

Well, there goes Sacramento and D.C., but that’s not all.

Are you idolizing your iPhone or your Tesla or your Rolex or your sports team, or your plastic surgery?

Do you eat too much, immerse yourself in pot, porn, and playoffs, waste money, or live beyond your means?

Are you a sexual deviant, half-ass it at work, thereby stealing from your employer? 

Do you not give of your time, talent, or treasure to your church, PTA, HOA, Little League, retirement home, or the local food pantry?

Do you drink too much to “take the edge off” every day, talk smack on social media, and figure out ways to “make a quick buck because everyone does it”?

You and I are not any better than the fatally-flawed sycophants in government, they just have nicer suits, bigger staffs, and a larger travel budget thanks to our ignorance and sloth.

So clean up yourself, then your household, then your community, and watch everything else magically fall into place. In other words,…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.