Pray Before You Answer

From today’s reading…

The king asked me, ‘What is it, then, that you wish?’

I prayed to the God of heaven and then answered:…’”

If Bill Gates walked up to you right now and asked you what you wished for with the intention of giving you $1 billion to help make it happen, what would you answer?

If your boss walked up to you today and asked you what you wanted at work, what would you answer?

If your priest, pastor, or mentor asks you today what you want out of life, what would you answer?

How much thought have you given it?

Have you prayed about it?

When was the last time you gave the direction of your life more thought and consideration than you give your weekly Fantasy Football lineup?

When was the last time you prayed more about the direction of your life than for your opponent’s Fantasy Football quarterback to have a terrible game?

Cause and effect.

What you focus on grows.

Nehemiah was focused on God’s will and restoring the home of his ancestors and the king granted his request.

Knowing what you want and then going for it is the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.