Pray For That Which Never Perishes

From today’s reading…

Do not work for food that perishes

but for the food that endures for eternal life,

which the Son of Man will give you.” John 6:27

Since the government overreaction/over-reach to the Coronavirus hit us all square in the mouth (and the nose, stomach, ribs, kidneys, and kicked us in the…shins) we are learning just how fragile and perishable most everything in our lives really are.

Restaurants close so servers are laid off. With no restaurants ordering food, truckers are laid off because the pork and chicken plants are shut down. With so many servers and truckers unable to pay their rent, Freddie Mac steps in says everyone can stop paying their rent for three months. When banks aren’t paid on the loans they have outstanding they go to the government for more money because they’re “too big to fail.” The government doesn’t have money, they only have the authority to tax the earnings of you and me…and servers and truckers. Since those people are not working, the government goes into debt to make it appear as though they are giving money to the banks. To pay for that debt—and the interest on that debt—the government will simply raise our taxes on our future earnings

So the worker takes it in the shorts while the banks and big lenders are taken care of by the politicians they have in their back pockets because that’s what they bought them for.

And remember, this is a bi-partisan bill. Pelosi wrote it, McConnell passed it, and Trump signed it.

And all it took was for you to agree to be scared into sitting at home to #FlattenTheCurve…Just 14 days…Just 30 days…Just 45 days…Just 60 days…Until we’ve passed the peak…Until the numbers decline 14 days in a row…Until we have a vaccine…Until we have a cure.

And just like that, everything you’ve worked for your entire life is at risk. That is, except for your soul, which will live for all eternity, which is why now is the perfect time to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.