Preach & Teach Like Philip

From today’s reading…

Philip ran up and heard him reading Isaiah the prophet and said,

‘Do you understand what you are reading?’

He replied,

‘How can I, unless someone instructs me?’”

Philip was sent on the road from Jerusalem towards Gaza when he hears the Ethiopian eunuch in charge of the entire treasury of the queen of Ethiopia, reading the Old Testament.

Being the inspired leader that he was, Philip didn’t just barge in and express his “Jesus-privilege.” He approached the reader and asked him a question. (I cover this in my sales training. Whoever is asking questions is in control of the conversation.) 

When the Ethiopian replied as he did and invited Philip to stay, that was the signal that Philip was a welcomed guest who was free to share his knowledge and experience. (Getting invited to an appointment with a mutually-agreed upon agenda is another key topic I address in my sales training.)

Because of Philip’s humble approach combined with his powerful message he won over the Ethiopian who asked to be baptized immediately.

I guarantee you Philip hit his sales…ah, conversion quota.

Be confident like Philip and humble and curious like the Ethiopian because that’s the only way to… 

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.