Prepare Yourself For The Trial

From today’s reading…

My son, when you come to serve the LORD,

stand in justice and fear,

prepare yourself for trials.”

Remember that movie about the Marine who never deployed and got to spend his entire career gardening and cooking and painting?

Or the best-selling book about the kid born into wealth who attended private schools, played lacrosse, sang in the school choir, married his high school sweetheart, went to work in his father’s business, had two kids and a dog, and vacationed in one of his family’s three condos around the world?


You don’t remember those stories?


You think they aren’t real, or at least there’s nothing memorable or remarkable in them?

You know what?

You’re right.

We admire and strive to follow in the footsteps of the men who stormed the beaches in France and the Pacific Islands.

We admire the women who fought to overcome adversities to provide a better lives for their families and themselves.

We admire the tough, the resilient, the dedicated.

You’ve been called to a tough trial. 

Rejoice that you were found worthy of being challenged and in knowing that you, too, will be admired when you…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.