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  • Prime Your Pipeline and Profits With Profitable Prospecting: Tip #1

Prime Your Pipeline and Profits With Profitable Prospecting: Tip #1

Here’s your first of many prospecting tips.

Accept that there are two types of sales:

  1. The easy ones.

  2. The ones you don’t get.

Yes and no.

Tiger Woods makes hitting a 6-iron out of a fairway bunker 200 yards over water to within 10 feet of the cup on the 18th hole to win a golf tournament look easy because he:

  • Practices perfectly…with a coach. (Wrong practice won’t help you get better.)

  • Trains daily…with a coach. (This is not the same as practicing).

  • Records his practice and work…with a coach.

  • Reviews his practice and work…with a coach.

  • Focuses with the help…of a coach and/or assistant (caddie).

  • Believes he can…with the help of a coach.

  • Surrounds himself with people that foster all of the above…especially a coach.

Do you see a trend there?

Do you treat selling as a profession?

Do you prospect daily?

Do you set appointments with yourself to do what needs to be done, no matter what?

Do you train to improve your prospecting skills daily?

Do you track and record your work? (I recorded my phone calls and reviewed them and strategized about them for a solid year with a sales coach I paid $10,000 in 2007 to help me get better. What are you spending your money on?)

Do you focus intently when you do practice, train and work? (Turn off the chat, the Skype, the Social Media, the email for extended periods of time and get it done!)

Do you believe you can hit your numbers and goals? (Which way is your spiral?) Do you surround yourself with people that help you reach your numbers and goals? (Or do you hang out with those that are not striving, therefore, you’re all comfortable getting fat as sloth creeps in and becomes the norm?

Prior Planning & Preparation Prevents Poor Performance.

Daily Discipline Done Diligently Determines Destiny.

If you do neither you have a long row to hoe. When you do both you’ll win a lot more sales and they’ll be easy.

Ready for some hard preparation and easy sales?

Are you ready to Dig Deep?

Now go sell something,