Proclaim and Rejoice Like Mary

From today’s reading…

And Mary said: My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour;” Luke 1:46-47

Non-Catholics lose their ever-lovin’ mind when a Catholic mentions Mary.

“Well, you Catholics WORSHIP Mary! You Catholics can’t pray to Mary because she’s DEAD! You don’t need Mary. Just pray straight to Jesus.”

Okay, I’ll give ‘em that last one, which is also what Mary would say, and did say today.

Lookey here.

Mary is the Mother of God.

She was saved by Jesus, just like you and me, but in a different way. (“Ahhh…Wes…you may want to go easy on that there spiced eggnog fer a bit. You’re contradicting yourself, there Buddy.”)

Okay. Let me rephrase that.

Mary, like you and me, relies on Jesus as her Savior.

But whereas Jesus pulled you and me out of the dirty pit we had fallen into, i.e. original sin, Jesus, in His infinite wisdom, caught Mary by the hand BEFORE she fell into the pit.

So Jesus saved Mary, which she confirms in today’s reading from the beginning of Luke.

He just saved her a bit earlier than you and me.

In return, everything she does is done to magnify Him, her Son, her Savior.

So be like Mary, which is the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.