Proclaim The Unfathomable Treasure

From today’s reading…

I, who am less than the least of all God’s holy people, have been entrusted with this special grace, of proclaiming to the gentiles the unfathomable treasure of Christ and of throwing light on the inner workings of the mystery kept hidden through all the ages in God, the Creator of everything.” Ephesians 3: 8-9

Paul knew he was a nobody whom the Somebody made someone, and he rose up to the challenge, the occasion, the honor, and the death to fulfill his calling, his duty, his life’s purpose.

It’s not how you start, it’s how you finish. God gives you and me the same special grace He gave Paul, but He did not give us the same mission or calling, but we have the same treasure because Paul helped show us where “X marks the spot,” now all we must do to reach it is…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.