Prohibit One Spirit For The Coherent Spirit

From today’s reading…

We have not received the spirit of the world but the Spirit who is from God, so that we may understand the things freely given us by God.”

What is the “spirit of the world?”

Is it pre-nups and tummy tucks, lifted trucks, and online hookups?

Is it iPhones and Fortnite, the hustle life, and newsfeeds filled with hate and strife?

Is it unlimited refills of Plan B abortion pills that you think is fine because you pay the bills so you can chase windmills on the treadmill of cheap thrills?

Is it buying a new wardrobe while traveling the globe as you search and probe for the perfect abode that will make your follower count explode?

(But you stowed that wardrobe in your bag that overflowed so you can unload what you showed and flowed because you’re a toad that all along did knowed that once you’re off the road—if you kept your receipt—your refund would be complete, so your trip would cost nothing, except your soul’s defeat.)

Of course for those with no remorse whose marriage has run its course there’s no-fault divorce, which is easy to enforce. 

Then there’s the arranger of yelling at complete strangers because there is no danger, so you keyboard your acrimony, sanctimony, and acrophony knowing you can block those who know you’re a phony.

Maybe it’s sweating about the debt you’re begetting to buy things you’re regretting just to impress people you’re forgetting in your lifestyle of jetting that is really just stage setting.

Maybe it’s the  plastic surgery that just makes you weary of the burglary of your treasury and arteries but you did it because some cheap sorcery told you in retrograde was Mercury.

As I unfurl the spirit of the world it makes my toes curl my head swirl and my stomach hurl.

So stick with the God who loves your flawed bod and weak facade but who lauds and applauds your effort to trod with his squad with your Beats and iPod as you…

Stay the course.

Keep the faith.Endure.