Prophet There But NOT Here

From today’s reading…

Jesus said to the people in the synagogue at Nazareth:

‘Amen, I say to you,

no prophet is accepted in his own native place.’” Luke 4:24

This is why the experts you hear quoted on the Coronavirus are from 12 states away and it’s their hairdresser’s painter’s cousin who sat next to a grad student heading home but they took an online course from that expert just two weeks ago, so their information is fresh and trustworthy.

It’s why a marketing conference will pay thousands of dollars and fly me halfway across the world just so I can deliver a 45-minute keynote, but the local real estate group wants me to buy my own ticket and commit to spending at least $20 in their 50/50 raffle if I am going to speak in their weekly chapter meeting.

It’s why many great artists, composers, and authors find great success…after their death.

It’s why it’s so hard to get traction in our bloated, corrupt, two-party political system.

It’s why you often have to change companies to get a promotion so your good ideas can be implemented.

 It’s what Nigel Green means in today’s episode of The Sales Podcast when he says “Time in dilutes awareness of.”

When you are attacked for what you believe and what you say, it could mean only one of two things:

  1. You’re wrong.

  2. You’re right.

You know the message Jesus gave us is right, so speak up, and…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.