Prosperity Follows The Pain

From today’s reading…

Ephraim! What more has he to do with idols?

I have humbled him, but I will prosper him.

“I am like a verdant cypress tree”–

Because of me you bear fruit!” Hosea 14:9

Hosea had a prolific ministry, lasting about 25 years. He preached in his homeland, which he alternately referred to as Israel, Jacob, or Ephraim.

So it’s his homeland, his people, he is describing as being humbled.

I can’t help but think we are being humbled now.

What more do we have to do with the idols of porn, pot, and playoffs? (I know. Streaming porn is actually increasing in these early days of the so-called pandemic and marijuana dispensaries are allowed to remain open, but the playoffs are shut down and if this lasts more than a couple of weeks people will have no choice but to shut off the porn, sober up, and make real plans to make something positive happen in their lives.)

Because we are a stubborn, vain, stiff-necked people, we will bite the hand that feeds us until we are too weak to bite, but God will not allow us to become too weak to chew.

It is then that we will finally consume the good, the holy, the nourishing Bread of Life.

It is then that we will prosper.

It is then that we will bear the good, the bountiful fruit we were meant to bear.

We just need to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.