Protect or There Will Be No Protection For You

From today’s reading…

The Lord Yahweh says this: Look, I am against the shepherds. I shall take my flock out of their charge and henceforth not allow them to feed my flock. And the shepherds will stop feeding themselves, because I shall rescue my sheep from their mouths to stop them from being food for them.” Ezekiel 34:10

Lots of people not holding up their end of the bargain these days.

Presidents and governors and mayors and military commanders and government bureaucrats and CEOs are breaking the law with impunity and are celebrated and supported by the very people they hurt.

Mothers are killing their children.

Men are not supporting their “baby mamas” or their children.

Children are mothballing their aging parents like Christmas decorations on Dec 26.

Priests, bishops, cardinals, and maybe even popes swept pedophilia under the rug for decades.

Colleges and elite athletic organizations are allowing (disturbed) males in high heels to destroy women in sports.

But those overtly evil people are not the only ones that will be held accountable.

Our silence means consent.

To observe evil and do nothing is to condone it.

Maybe you don’t have the strength to fight the wolves, but you can warn the sheep.

You can sound the alarm. You can awaken the shepherds.

You can yank them out of bed and poke them with your rod and shame them to man up and do their duty.

It’s the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.