Pull Bitterness Out At The Root

From today’s reading…

Seek peace with all people, and the holiness without which no one can ever see the Lord. Be careful that no one is deprived of the grace of God and that no root of bitterness should begin to grow and make trouble; this can poison a large number.” Hebrews 12:14-15

It has been a long time since we’ve sought peace as a nation—and as neighbors, come to think of it—and the stress and strain are starting to show.

While Britain, France, and Russia have about 30 bases around the world combined, we have almost 800. EIGHT. HUNDRED.

Our troops have been deployed for 20 years in Afghanistan alone. My father was stationed in Korea in 1970 and I was stationed there in 1993, and we’re still all over that peninsula 71 years after the start of the Korean War.

And if that’s not bad enough, we have 150 million of our own citizens at odds with one another with half knocking hats off the other half another in fast-food restaurants as the other half screams “libtard” at them to which they are called “deplorable,”…and that’s all before lunch…on a Tuesday!

If you want things to get better, get better. Read that again. You need to get better if you want things to get better. This entire shit show is your fault, and by you, I mean me.

Stop feeding into the hate and the anger. It’s okay to stop the ride, get off, leave the circus, get in your car, play some music you love, go home in a good mood, go for a walk or a run or a ride or a swim or take a nap.

Clean your house. Pay that bill. Reply to that email you’ve been avoiding. Hug your kid. Kick the other kid out. (He knows he crossed the line and he’ll love you for it later.)

Read that book you’ve been meaning to get to. Sit in silence. Drink another glass of water. Say a prayer. Go to bed early. Wake up rested, happy, and not bitter so you can help just one other person do the same tomorrow, which is the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.