Put Aside Childish Things

From today’s reading…

When I was a child, I used to talk as a child,

think as a child, reason as a child;

when I became a man, I put aside childish things.”

1 Corinthians 13:11

Men, a lot of you are men in age only. The world is a mess. The country is a mess. The state is a mess. The county is a mess. The city is a mess. The neighborhood is a mess. Your street is a mess. Your household is a mess. Because you refuse to grow up. You refuse to man up. You continue to think and act like a child, which is to say you refuse to think.

Being able to drink a 6-pack every weeknight and a 24-pack every weekend is nothing to brag about.

Knowing the height, weight, benchpress, and birthday of every player on your favorite NFL team but not knowing your kid’s favorite movie is nothing to brag about.

Not reading a book in the last five years is nothing to brag about.

Not taking your family to church in the last 10 years is nothing to brag about.

You wonder why you don’t have a rainy day fund and why your kids are acting up and why you haven’t gotten a raise and why you haven’t gotten a promotion and why strangers disrespect you in public and why no one turns to you for advice on anything deeper than what pairs better with Pringles, spam or bologna, it’s your fault.

In the last month alone I’ve picked up four books from my local library for free. One non-fiction and three fiction plus an audio version of one of the fiction books.

Podcasts are also free.

You can learn how to build a computer or a chicken coop or an AR-15 or a treehouse or even do brain surgery on YouTube for free.

But all you do is watch Cardi B and other childish men pull pranks on one another or women eating celery. (I mean, like, WT actual H?)

Like I said, everything you have in life right now is your fault.

It’s time you faced reality. It’s time you owned it all in your life. The good. The bad. The ugly.

It’s time you put aside childish things and manned the hell up, because it’s the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.