
From today’s reading…

For she is the refulgence of eternal light,

the spotless mirror of the power of God,

the image of his goodness.

And she, who is one, can do all things,

and renews everything while herself perduring;

And passing into holy souls from age to age,

she produces friends of God and prophets.”

Today, in Wisdom 7, we read about…Wisdom.

The ironic thing about today’s reading is that in these two short sentences I had to lookup the definition of two words. (And I have two college degrees and read daily!) But many think they can just read the Bible and the Spirit will instruct them correctly. (I obviously had a weak faith during my college exams where all wisdom seemed to have left me, but I digress.)

We take for granted the access to information we have today. All I had to do was right click on the words and the definition was presented to me. But what Bible—or dictionary—did people have from 33 A.D. to around 1650 A.D.?

You see, although Gutenberg worked his printing magic around 1450, it took 200 years for books to reach what I’d consider mass production, with 200 million books being printed between 1601-1650. (Source)

Yet despite this unprecedented access to information we have today, people still say—and write—things like this daily:

  • The statue of limitations

  • For all intensive purposes

  • Can I axe you a question?

  • Supposably

  • Pacifically

  • Of upmost importance

  • Alls you have to do

These are the same people who think the Bible tells them to…

  • “be spiritual, but not religious” (Where’s that in the Bible?)

  • “be moved by the Spirit” (Movement is fine, but in what direction?)

  • “have a personal relationship with your Lord and Savior” (Where’s that in the Bible?)

  • “let go and let God” (Before the fall Adam and Eve had to work the garden.)

  • “let Jesus take the wheel” (You still need to get to the bus station on time and buy your ticket and get on the bus.)

  • “follow sola scriptura and find all of the answers in the Bible alone.” (Where’s that in the Bible?)

God’s Wisdom can make you holy and make you His friend. Being humble and knowing where to find God and His Wisdom is your first wise act.

You don’t know where that is? Hint: Read 1 Timothy 3:15,

…you should know how to behave in the household of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and foundation of truth.”

Being active in the church of the living God is the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.