Remain Aloof From Impure Paths

From today’s reading…

He judges us debased;

he holds aloof from our paths as from things impure.

He calls blest the destiny of the just

and boasts that God is his Father.”

In Wisdom 2 today we see the lack of wisdom of the wicked who deny life after death and even invite death with their words and actions.

Today’s reading is influenced greatly by Isaiah (chapters 52 to 62) while also foreshadowing the Passion Narrative of Jesus in the New Testament because later in this chapter we read of the plans of the wicked to revile and even torture the “just one,” which is, of course, Jesus.

We see the wicked alive and active in the pro-death movement of abortion.

Celebrities want to boycott all of Georgia merely because the people there don’t want to kill babies.

Celebrities ridicule the actors and team who produced the pro-life movie “Unplanned.”

Deep down they know they are debased. The pro-baby-death crowd is on an impure path.

The destiny of those who fight for all life is just and blessed.

They forget or deny or hide from the fact that God is their father, too, because He is the father of all of us and He can create great good from great sin, as He did with the life of Abby Johnson, about whom the movie “Unplanned” was made.

To see the manner in which the many prophecies of the Old Testament told by various writers over centuries are fulfilled in the New Testament as documented by many more writers is only a novelty or a coincidence by those who are on an impure path.

Good thing you know how to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.