Replace Your Wicked Heart

From today’s reading…

Take care, brothers, that none of you ever has a wicked heart, so unbelieving as to turn away from the living God.” Hebrews 3:12

Paul reminds the readers today what happened to those who had an unbelieving heart in the desert. Let’s just say, it didn’t turn out so well for them.

He did so by repeating phrases from Psalm 95, which the devout Jews of the time would certainly know.

In the Psalms, God was “sickened” by their “harden(ed)” and “fickle” hearts and He made them wander for 40 years, which was essentially a lifetime.

Paul wants his readers, which includes you and me, to not suffer the fate of the rebellious Israelites who were given their freedom but thought they knew best and failed to see the blessings they had.

Soften your heart. Stop rebelling. Learn from the suffering of our ancestors and…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.