Rohan Kale Gets You 49% More Business With Animated Video

Get 49% more annual revenue than your competitors

Stream below or right-click here to download the episode. 

  • From India living in Germany

  • Was not satisfied but was young

  • Lost all of his money gambling by the age 20

  • Got a student loan and moved to Germany

  • He did not know German, but he did know English

  • Completed his Masters and got a job at Daimler, and within two years, he was able to pay off his debt

  • But he wanted to do something on his own for himself

  • The 49% growth came from split testing landing pages with and without video

  • Animated videos and explainer videos, as well as FAQ videos

  • He’s against the whiteboard videos

    • These are okay for explainer videos

  • He prefers motion graphics and full-color videos

  • Rohan Kale is self-taught

  • Learned from independent contractors in Asia to keep costs down

  • If you are a personal brand, you need to be on screen vs. using an animated video

  • If you have a certain process, you can use explainer videos

  • The script is the heart of the process

    • 60-90 seconds (150-225 words)

    • Punchline/hook

    • State a couple of problems

    • Introduce the solution

    • Link yourself as the solution

    • Include some credibility triggers

    • Leverage third-party references as a credibility trigger if you are new

    • Call-to-Action

  • The storyboard is next (Camtasia is a video tool)

    • Shows the graphics that will go along with the script

    • Pixabay has free graphics

    • Canva enables you to edit those graphics

    • Audio Jungle for affordable music

  • Make a simple PowerPoint presentation

  • Then do your voiceover

  • Make sure the images flow

  • There  can never be too much video

  • Use captions for Facebook video ads

    • They need to be 15-20 seconds, 30 seconds max

  • He uses YouTube a lot, but Wistia helps you with testing for new videos

  • You need to be doing Facebook Live if you are a personal brand 3-4 times per week

  • 20% creation and 80% distribution

  • He is getting thousands of views by posting on LinkedIn

  • Now LinkedIn has video

Listen To Previous Episodes of The Sales Podcast 

Links Mentioned In The Sales Podcast

  • Visit Rohan Kale’s home on the web

  • Connect with Rohan Kale on LinkedIn

Sales Growth Tools Mentioned In The Sales Podcast

  • Hire The Best Speaker for your sales meeting or marketing conference

  • Take The CRM Quiz: get a free consultation with me

  • Donate: Just because you like the show, the no-bullshit approach, and don’t want to buy a book, software, or The Make Every Sale Program.

  • The Sales Agenda: take control of every sales opportunity like a pro.

  • Leadferno: Turn lurkers into leads

  • Founders Card: Get $20,000 in free processing from Stripe, save 15% on Bose, and save on hotels, travel, car rentals, you name it.

  • Send Drunk Emails: …that get opened and get you paid!

  • Phone Burner: work the phone like a machine so you can be a human when you connect.

  • Apollo: Find targeted accounts and send cold email at scale to them and hit the inbox with Apollo


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