Rude Salespeople Can Increase Your Sales

Selling is just like dating (and dating is sales…at least I almost remember dating way back in the early years of Clinton’s first term in office…1994…)

The girl needs to play a little bit hard to get or the boy won’t appreciate her. 

Likewise, in the right situation, the right salesperson selling the right product can actually increase his or her sales by actually talking down a bit to the prospect.

Yes, you read that right.

Be Rude To Increase Sales

Wes, clearly you’ve had too much of that boiled custard that TeeJ Mercer sent you for Christmas. Maybe you should go lie down for a bit. It seems you have forgotten that people buy from people they know, LIKE, and trust! Where’s my ‘back’ button on this computer?”


Before you go clicking away, allow me to explain…and quote my source.

That’s right.

This isn’t some hair-brained idea I got while sipping brown liquid and watching bowl games yesterday.


This is verified information that has been published in the Journal of Consumer Research in 2014.

According to a study conducted by Sauder Marketing Professor Darren Dahl at the University of British Columbia, consumers who get a little snobbish treatment at high-end retailers can actually become more willing to purchase and wear more expensive clothing.

(See. I DIDN’T drink too much boiled custard! Well…actually I did. But it DIDN’T hurt my cognitive abilities.)

Only The Best Can Be Rude…and Only For A Little While

Now before you go off half-cocked and unload on your prospects and browsers note the nuances in the study, namely:

  • You need to walk the talk

  • You better be seen as a luxury brand

  • This can and does fade over time 

  • It can also apply to attracting people to join an “in-group” 

In other words, playing a little hard to get may help you grow your sales and/or stick to higher price if you are considered a leader in your space and you do it right. 

How do you apply this appropriate amount of rudeness to grow your sales?

Maybe you don’t.

However, maybe you can apply a form of this—reverse psychology or the old school “takeaway” close—to your tougher prospects and see if you can’t get them to see things your way and order without putting up such a fight. 

What do you have to lose?

If you’d like a little help with this and 1,001 other sales ideas, check out the Make Every Sale program. You get lifetime access to the material and our private group for realtime support. 

That is…if you’re good enough for my program.