Run & Preach To Win

From today’s reading…

Run so as to win.” 1 Corinthians 9:24

Paul reminds us of our obligation to “preach the Gospel” if we “have been entrusted with a stewardship.”

I’d argue that the fact you are reading this means God is delivering His message to you, and since you know His message—or at least know how to find it—you are obligated to seek it, find it, learn it, and preach it.

In doing so, you must humble yourself and seek to serve “so as to win over as many as possible.”

Will all who hear be saved? Even Paul in his sainthood only hoped “to save at least some.”

Regardless, he played to win. He preached to save. He preached to win “an imperishable” crown.

The only way to win the race is to

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.