Sacrifice To Be Looked Upon With Favor

From today’s reading…

Time passed and Cain brought some of the produce of the soil as an offering for Yahweh, while Abel for his part brought the first-born of his flock and some of their fat as well. Yahweh looked with favour on Abel and his offering.” Genesis 4:3-4

It’s quite wise to see how great sacrifices today can lead to a far better tomorrow. We take that for granted today because our society has grown up with and lived by and imparted the lessons of the story of Cain and Abel to us for over 4,000 years.

Meanwhile, the feeble-minded, arrogant, self-proclaimed “enlightened progressives” who look down upon us chalk this story up as a fairy tale. But I digress.

You see this story play out 1,000 times a day around you.

  • Skip dessert today and you’ll fit into those pants you just bought tomorrow.

  • Skip that TV show today and go to bed early and be more productive at work tomorrow.

  • Skip that keg party and hit the gym tonight and you’ll get that scholarship tomorrow.

  • Skip that social media debate to finish those sales calls today and you’ll get that promotion tomorrow.

  • Or not.

When you put forth a weak effort today, do not be alarmed or upset that you have weak results tomorrow.

Anyone wise and humble enough to read and heed this 4,000-year-old story is more likely to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.