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- Sales Jiu-Jitsu With Elliott Bayev and Daniel Moskowitz
Sales Jiu-Jitsu With Elliott Bayev and Daniel Moskowitz
Follow and system to grow your sales and your Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu skills
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Sales System Tips you’ll learn today on The Sales Podcast…
Mastermind BJJ run by Elliott and he met Daniel
Daniel lost 102 pounds and his doctor told him to get in touch with his new body
Why did you combine Sales and Jiu-Jitsu?
The sales system you outline has helped companies massively grow, can you tell us about it?
The four steps to win in competitions and sales and how to follow those steps to increase conversion rates
Is sales a combat sport?
Old school selling is a “fight.”
Jiu-Jitsu literally means “gentle art”
The goal is to have a mutually-beneficial outcome
“You and I, shining together.” from Judo
Most people who pull guard win!
You must do a postmortem
Learn from your wins
Live training vs. dead training
Mandatory sparring partners that rotate every week to get live, resistance training
Create your objection database
This is not typical role-playing
They role-play the exact objection they got the week before
It’s a timed event
Reverse rolls
Test your new strategies in training
The cost of inaction
You can’t ignore it
The prospect must admit it and state it
We get paid to solve problems
When a prospect comes on too strong you have to figure out how to control the conversation
Pattern-interrupt, get them to share in the vision
They attack to keep themselves safe
Prospects fear change
Prospects become accountable for the changes they recommend
It’s hard for a prospect to get consensus internally
We provide “sales as a service”
Three responses to conflict: fight, flight, plan ahead
Be consistent and persistent with your efforts
Systems are vital to success in sales and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
Success is when preparation meets opportunity
Find the hidden decision makers
Protect your biology
You must train the basics all the time (Daniel does a 6-month rotation because of slippage)
What is your why?
Your Inner Game is key, and your Why is a key component of it
A benchmark goal and the stretch goal
Links Mentioned In The Sales Podcast
Buy the book and pick up the launch-week exclusive bonus here
We will be gifting a free training program called “The 4 Steps to Increase your Conversion Rate In 30 Days” and all the free resources that are mentioned in our book.