Samantha Bennett: Be a Non-Starving Artist

About Samantha Bennett of The Organized Artist Company

Originally from Chicago, Samantha Bennett is a writer, actor, teacher, creativity/productivity specialist who has counseled hundreds of artists on their way to success. The author of the surprisingly popular book of poems, “By The Way, You Look Really Great Today,” Samantha is currently writing “The Organized Artist Book: A Success Book For Creative People Who Want To Be More Organized And Organized People Who’d Like To Be More Creative.”

Greatest Sales Success

  • Early 2009, after teaching her process for maybe 15 years after starting in a church basement for almost nothing, she had this cobbled together life then things fell away…projects ended, work ended…and had a huge hole in her life and wallet and thought “Hey, can I do this whole Organized Artist thing?” Bought Infusionsoft right away. “Work from the vision.” Don’t work from where you are. “I needed it to pay for yourself before the American Express bill came. I tied myself to the desk, learned it in a weekend and made it work.”

  • “I built a business with my own two hands and I ended up with a business I could hold in my two hands.” So get a coach, join a mastermind group, expand your horizons and get help to grow beyond your own capabilities.

Rubber-Meets-The-Road Tip

  • Get a coach. You can’t read the label from inside the bottle.

  • Not everyone is artistic, but everyone is a Creative Genius.

  • Discern the projects that matter most to you.

  • Dedicate – commit – just 15 minutes a day to get started.

  • “How is part of the invitation.”

  • Perfectionism slows us down.

  • She used to help organize the writing of her book and it helped.

What Are You Reading Now

Samantha Bennett at her “Get It Done” Book Signing

Links Mentioned

If you liked this episode, please let Samantha Bennett of The Organized Artist Company and me know on Twitter.

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