Scattered For Lack of a Shepherd

From today’s reading…

You did not bring back the strayed nor seek the lost,

but you lorded it over them harshly and brutally.

So they were scattered for the lack of a shepherd,

and became food for all the wild beasts.” Ezekiel 34:4-5

When you are entrusted to look after one or a million and one of God’s little ones and allow pride, greed, envy, gluttony, lust, sloth, and/or wrath to rule over you and distract you to such a point that your people suffer, you will literally have hell to pay.

Through Ezekiel God tells us “I swear I am coming against these shepherds.”

That should strike enough fear in you to stop your heart from beating.

I don’t know if you’ve ever had anyone set their sites on you and come after you. Every day I spar with at least one huge Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu black belt and despite knowing them for years, when they furrow their brow and wipe the smile off their faces…I know the end is near and nothing short of a miracle will save me.

God wants to save you but you have to want it. You have to ask for it. You have to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.