Scott Oldford Prints Words To Print Money

How to prove your business model without a business plan 

Stream below or right-click here to download the episode. 


Sales Tips you’ll learn in The Sales Podcast

  • Spends between $60,000 to $100,000 per month on paid advertising

  • Tests an idea on his personal profile

  • When something resonates, his head of content runs with it

  • The more content he produces, the more money he makes

  • To dominate your kingdom, you must serve your people

  • You enlarge your kingdom by producing more value

  • Spent $93,000 in January

  • In January 2016, he only spent $5,000

  • About $10k/mo on PR, some on YouTube, affiliate revenue, mostly Facebook now but diversifying

  • Always looking at risk mitigation

  • Three types of traffic

    • Partner

    • Paid

    • Organic

  • At 21, he was $726,000 in debt

  • Turning 26 on June 16, 2017

  • Did $500k in 6 months in 2015

  • Did a couple million in 2016

  • May hit 8-figures in 2017

  • Failed three times in a row

  • Sucked at operations and finance, so it wasn’t until he found a good #2 that he feels like he has something sustainable

  • If people don’t have skin in the game, you probably expect too much of them

  • Sold his agency to avoid bankruptcy (it was pride…he recommends sucking it up, claiming bankruptcy, and rebuilding)

  • He was cocky, naive, and (still) young

  • He hated his life, but he had about $8k in monthly expenses, so he started a marketing agency in 2014 and made a lot of sales

  • He moved, fired everyone, and had about three months of savings

  • He was asked to teach someone internet marketing, but he was turned off by it

  • He wrote a one-page Google Document with an outline of a course he would teach and offered it to his friends at $2,000, and 24 people signed up!

  • That has now generated over $2 million in revenue

  • Lead generation fixes cash flow problems, and that fixes every other problem

  • You have to be willing to break things along the way

  • Validation is grossly underestimated

  • Forget the business plan. Hustle and go get your first couple hundred thousand in sales

  • Implement and create to have an amazing life. If you’re a consumer…you’re screwed!

  • If you’re afraid of producing content, you’re not learning enough

  • Spend four hours doing the four things no one can take from you

    • Health

    • Knowledge

    • Meeting new people (connecting, not networking)

    • Developing an audience (produce content)

  • Now you’ll become a thought-provoker and become known for it

  • He can’t help people at zero anymore because he hasn’t been there for so long

  • Help those just one to two steps behind you

  • Own your platform (email)

  • Build a community, an audience, a movement, or you’re an idiot

    • It’s the way you talk with your people

    • LinkedIn group, podcast, etc

    • It’s more than just a lead generation webinar that you try to pitch

    • Advocates are better than leads

  • Mitigate your risk

    • You’ll lose your initial ad spend

    • Hustle to make the money to afford the ads

  • If you’re making under $500k and you go to an agency, you’ll get screwed just because you don’t have enough of a budget

  • You need to understand marketing, sales, operations, financials, and culture on your team,…or you’re hosed

  • If the right information is implemented properly, then magic can happen

Links Mentioned In The Sales Podcast

Market like you mean it.Now go sell something.