Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Services

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Discuss Your Options to Grow Your Business

According to Wikipedia

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving the volume or quality of traffic to a web site from search engines via “natural” (“organic” or “algorithmic”) search results. Typically, the earlier (or higher) a site appears in the search results list, the more visitors it will receive from the search engine. SEO may target different kinds of search, including image search, local search, and industry-specific vertical search engines. This gives a web site web presence.”

To rank highly on search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and MSN you have to be willing to spend TIME or MONEY with a combination of ATTENTION TO DETAIL and DILIGENCE.

While there are tricks you can employ, programs in which you can invest and games you can play at the end of the day you will show up on the internet by either paying for clicks (PPC or SEM – Search Engine Marketing), CPM (cost per impression) via programs such as Google AdWords or you’ll build out your website rich in keywords and relevant content that is updated regularly.

The Sales Whisperer® specializes in SEO, SEM, CPC and CPM services for entrepreneurs, small business owners and professional service firms.

Search Engine Marketing

Paying for traffic.

It’s the ads you see on the top and right hand side search results. It provides immediate feedback as to the accuracy and efficacy of your advertising and your offer.

When done correctly it gets you traffic within days if not hours of implementation. When done poorly (which is usually the case) it’s a complete waste of money and is the cause of more firings, layoffs, reductions in force, balding heads, hot flashes, migraines, restless leg syndrome diagnosis and Unidentified Flying Laptops than any other marketing technique or option in the last 47.6 years.

Having a 5-page GoDaddy “Website Tonight” Just Ain’t Enough.

Remember my discussion on the importance of having a GOOD website (click here if you forgot)? Slapping up cheap and easy website that your daughter’s boyfriend hacked together from a MySpace wallpaper template and a junior college Marketing 101 textbook from 1999 may indeed be cheap and easy but it won’t make your phone ring.

At best it will let people know your hours of operation and how cheap and unsophisticated you are when it comes to the internet and marketing.

At worst it will drive your prospects away FOREVER!

Leverage is the key to growth.


Archimedes knew that with a big enough lever he could move the world.

You, too, with a professionally optimized and consistently updated website, can and will appear to be big enough to move your world, at least as far as the marketplace is concerned.

Every day people jump online and search for your services. You have the power to bring them to you or remain invisible and let your competitors gobble them up.

We can help you do the former and stop the latter but it will take time and/or money.

Will I guarantee your SEO results? Yes I will (right after you buy this bridge I have for sale that overlooks a beautiful pond stuffed with 10 pound bass and 12 foot sailfish in the Mojave.)

If you listen to those dudes that promise you the moon and the stars when it comes to search engine placement you deserve to lose your money. (I have a wife of 25+ years and 7 kids. Why not send me that money and at least feel good about helping a nice family?!)

However, I will help you get found—AND REMAIN FOUND—by the search engines not only while you are my client but for years afterwards by building a solid foundation with proven principles that will attract qualified prospects for the life of your business.

One Size Does Not Fit All.

You have your own needs including budget and timeframe.

We will work with you to develop an online marketing plan that will enable you to meet your online marketing goals, even if you don’t have them, yet.

For a free, no-pressure, SEO / SEM consultation take just 17.3 seconds to fill out the form here now, before you fall for the next “Get on the first page of Google, GUARANTEED!” scam that is sitting in your Junk Box. Please fill out the form now.

Now go sell something.