Seat Yourself In The Corner

From today’s reading…

My child, conduct your affairs with humility,

and you will be loved more than a giver of gifts.

Humble yourself the more, the greater you are,

and you will find favor with God.”

Sirach 3 is referenced by Jesus in Luke 14 today.

In late summer 1993 I was stationed at Osan Air Base Korea. Not long after I arrived I was instructed to attend a squadron meeting on behalf of my unit by my Captain.

I show up early—because new 2nd LTs should not be late— and I sit in the corner against the wall and just observe.

Soon a Major arrives (an F-16 fighter pilot who became a good friend), sits down at the conference table, turns around and says

Hey, LT, you’re here early, get your butt over here and sit next to me.”

“Yes, Sir.”

He made a Captain, who arrived late, go sit in the corner that was still vacant because it was the worst seat in the room.

When I took my seat in the corner I literally thought of today’s Gospel, which is influenced by today’s reading in Sirach, and 26 years later I still remember that experience.

Maybe that carpenter from a small town in the Middle East knew what He was saying 2,000 years ago as He shared the best way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.