Seek His Face (Instead of Stuffing Yours)

From today’s reading…

Of you my heart has said, ‘Seek his face!’

Your face, Yahweh, I seek; do not turn away from me.

Do not thrust aside your servant in anger, without you I am helpless.

Never leave me, never forsake me, God, my Saviour.”

Psalm 27:8-9

Eating a dozen donuts or downing a bag of chips with a 6-pack of your favorite micro-brew sounds like a good idea at the time, but only because you’re giving into your cravings and hiding from what you know you should do.

You’ve done this before and you’ve regretted it every time, usually within hours, if not minutes, of licking your fingers as you push yourself away from the table.

You’re seeking comfort and solace in material things. You’re giving in to the cravings that you know are both fleeting and harmful to you.

Why? Because you’re weaker than the temptation.

Why? Because the devil is sneaky and powerful. He convinces you that what feels good at the moment is what you should do. He convinces you that you’ve earned a break, a reward, a treat, a respite from the work. That you’ve earned this little indulgence.

But then you regret it and that regret turns into remorse, then shame, then anger and frustration, which leads you back to more indulgence, and the cycle repeats itself, which leads you farther away from the Lord.

It doesn’t have to be this way. You don’t have to hit rock bottom to know you’ve fallen off the wagon. You don’t need to bust out of your clothes to know you’re on the wrong path. You don’t need to end up in the hospital or on blood pressure and diabetes medications to know you’re off track.

Take a moment to sit in silence and ask yourself “What am I avoiding? What wound am I trying to patch over with temporal pleasures? Why am I avoiding God?”

Sit in those questions for as long as it takes to realize it’s time to get back on the wagon, plot a new course, and finally do what it takes to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.