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  • Send Custom HubSpot Emails To Contacts Who Open, Click, or Skip

Send Custom HubSpot Emails To Contacts Who Open, Click, or Skip

Timely, targeted, relevant communication is the name of the game in sales today.

Here’s how you can easily segment your email lists in HubSpot to send custom emails to various contacts such as those who:

  • Did not open

  • Opened but did not click

  • Clicked but did not buy

  • Bought

Step 1.1: Navigate to HubSpot Lists under Contacts

Assuming you already have a list of Contacts you would send a broadcast email with an offer such as “Register for my webinar” or “Buy your ticket to my event.”

HubSpot List Email Opens 1 Wes Schaeffer

Step 1.2: Create a new HubSpot List

Click the “Create list” in the top right.

HubSpot List Email Opens 2 Wes Schaeffer

Step 2.1: Name Your HubSpot List

In this example I’m looking at my initial email broadcast and creating a list from that broadcast of Contacts who did not even open the email. (How rude!)

Note: you can send almost identical emails to non-openers because it’s new to them. You’ll want to customize your email to those who opened but did not click.

Unlike the non-openers, they expressed an interest but for whatever reason, they did not take the next step, so you need to spin your offer and present them with a new twist to pique their interest.

HubSpot List Email Opens 3 Wes Schaeffer

Step 2.2: Filter Your HubSpot List by “Marketing Emails”

HubSpot List Email Opens 4 Wes Schaeffer

Step 2.3: Select the Marketing Email To Segment

In the image below I selected the email blast I sent titled “Join me in Texas.”

That was my original broadcast to my entire list. Now I will segment that list by Opens, Clicks, and Unopened to increase my engagement and sales as you see in step 3.1 below.

HubSpot List Email Opens 5 Wes Schaeffer

Step 3.1: Select the Criteria for the New List

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Step 3.2: Apply the Filter

Step 4.1: Save Your Filter

HubSpot List Email Opens 8 Wes Schaeffer

Step 4.2: Give HubSpot a Minute to Create Your New List

HubSpot List Email Opens 9 Wes Schaeffer

Once the HubSpot List is created you are good to go.

Rinse, wash, and repeat for the various criteria.

Need some help on how to get more out of your CRM, contact me and let’s see if there’s a fit.

Market like you mean it.Now go sell something.