Sent His Son To Pay It Way Forward

From today’s reading…

In this is love:

not that we have loved God, but that he loved us

and sent his Son as expiation for our sins.”

The sacrifice of Jesus is clear and obvious.

He subjugated Himself to the worst form of torture and death the Romans could devise, and He did it willingly and without hesitation.

And we know that to lay down one’s life for another is the ultimate example of love.

But what about God the Father’s love?

As the father of seven I know I would volunteer seven times seventy times to take their place should anything bad come their way.

But I’m not sure I could send them into harm’s way on purpose.

I’m not sure I could sacrifice my own children even if it was for a greater good.

The amount of love God the Father had to send His only begotten Son is…unfathomable, which is why He is God.

Knowing what they both sacrificed for our sins should be motivation enough to encourage you to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.