Share One Another’s Distress

From today’s reading…

“I know how to live in humble circumstances;

I know also how to live with abundance. …

Still, it was kind of you to share in my distress.”

Paul gave up the easy life of Saul to be attacked, imprisoned, and executed.

Paul knew that when he accepted Jesus Christ as his personal lord and savior it meant more pain, more struggle, more effort, more ridicule, more discomfort not less.

Paul knew that there is no resurrection without the cross.

This is true in all aspects of life from raising a child (or seven) to strengthening a marriage to growing a business.

It’s not all roses and chocolate-covered strawberries.

For every birthday party, anniversary, and new client there are trips to the ER, nights on the couch, and 1-star Yelp reviews.

And part of life is learning, discerning, and growing in your faith, which includes moments of doubt, setbacks, and outright failures.

But you don’t give up on a child who fails a class or gets into drugs or goes to jail.

You don’t give up your dream of being a business owner because of a bad client or even a failed venture. (Look up the failures of Ford, Honda, and Macy.)

And you don’t condemn yourself to Hell for your own shortcomings. (The evil one I mentioned yesterday wants you to give up. Don’t let him win.)

Distress comes in many forms.

Knowing you’re not alone and accepting a helping hand when you need it and offering one to your neighbor when it is needed is the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.