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  • Shark Tank Entrepreneur “Major Mom” Helps You Get Your Act Together

Shark Tank Entrepreneur “Major Mom” Helps You Get Your Act Together

Angela Cody-Rouget is the founder and CEO of Major Mom®, and she walks her talk. She has 2 decades of training in order management. Angela served in the U.S. Air Force for 18 years (10 years active duty, 4 years in the reserves +4 years in AFROTC) and she embraces and thrives in orderly environments.

Orderly does not mean rigid or inflexible!

Orderly means that you have room in your brain to think about important things. Not only was she born to organize but after 18 years in the USAF the processes of order and organization are internalized and it is natural to live orderly. She wishes everyone knew how good it felt to have a peaceful and serene home.

Angela attained the rank of Major in the USAF and her husband, Frederic, nicknamed her Major Mom after their first child was born. Angela would return from a long weekend of reserve duty and Frederic would hand her baby Lily and say “Yeah, Major Mom is home!” Angela has been called Major Mom since December 2003.

Angela worked as a solo professional organizer for three years, yet her vision for Major Mom has always been on a grander scale.

The Major Mom vision is to be the most recognized and respected organizing firm nationally and internationally.

Major Mom aims to be of great service to busy families.

The company also aspires to provide rewarding careers for men and women who are passionate about organizing and serving families.

In 2009, Angela brought a partner to the Major Mom team—Mandy Pinkston.

In October 2009, the Major Mom Training Academy was opened.

They have since trained 36 apprentices via eight academy classes as of July 2013. She currently has 14 fabulous Liberators (Professional Organizers) helping them restore order to the world. [See her “Careers Tab” for more information about joining the team.]

Greatest Sales Success

  • She donated her services for free to a silent auction for her church and two people bought it and she delivered great service and grew. Within two months she was making money!

  • She was also waiting tables. She did it in college but did it to serve and grow. At 37 years old and she was waiting tables, but she was working, earning money, and building that motivation to hit her goals!

Mistakes Business Owners Make

  • She and her husband had to hit rock bottom before they were brave enough to follow their dreams and their passions.

  • She started by pricing her services too low. Kept her prices too low for up to a year. She was afraid if she raised her prices no one would hire her.

What Are You Doing Daily To Grow

  • She hosts workshops at her office and she shares a training room but she also does them at in-home parties. She gives a fun presentation and people love it.

Rubber-Meets-The-Road Tip

  • Focus on the vision and don’t get all caught up in “the how.”

  • She did a lot of competitive research to learn how to price her services.

  • She joined her industry’s trade association.

  • She focuses on marketing AND sales.

  • She gets 50% down before she starts.

  • They don’t leave without the credit card or check for the remaining 50%.

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